Resolve to Have Better Sex this Year: How Vaginal Rejuvenation Makes a Difference

There are almost as many names for vaginal rejuvenation as there are reasons to consider it. Sometimes it’s called genital plastic surgery, female genital cosmetic surgery, and even a designer vagina, among other names. Regardless of what it’s called, the result is the same: better sex, more lubrication naturally, and a more attractive vagina.
If you’re interested in showing your lady parts a little extra love -- and enjoying a better sex life as a result -- book a consultation with Dr. Kevin Jovanovic to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation. You may be surprised by what you learn.
It’s not one-size-fits-all
Vaginal rejuvenation is an umbrella term that includes multiple procedures. Not everyone who comes in for a consultation wants or needs all of them. Here are the procedures that Dr. Jovanovic offers.
Laser vaginoplasty
This laser-technology improves the tightness and structure of your vagina. The heat from the laser stimulates your body to produce new collagen and elastin, just as it did when you were younger. It’s a painless, quick procedure.
Laser labiaplasty
Similar to vaginoplasty, this laser-assisted procedure changes the shape or size of your labia. It can correct unevenness and lengthen or shorten your inner or outer labia.
The G-Spot Amplification™ shot increases the size of your G-spot, making it easier to find and stimulate. That leads to increased sexual arousal and gratification.
Another laser-assisted procedure, Femilift laser treatment helps to restore the function of your vagina. You’ll notice increased lubrication during sex and perhaps increased arousal as well.
Other benefits
In addition to improving the appearance of your vagina and increasing your sexual pleasure, there are other benefits to vaginal rejuvenation. For example, if you experience stress incontinence, which is incredibly common, vaginal rejuvenation can help with that, too.
In addition, women who are at risk of uterine prolapse may find that vaginal rejuvenation can help. The energy from the laser-assisted technologies helps to improve collagen and elastin production, and can help improve muscle tone.
Great sex could become amazing sex
Even if your sex life is already great, one or more vaginal rejuvenation procedures could take it up a level. Unless you have a medical issue, chances are your vagina is fine as it is. But why not find out if your sex life could be even better?
If you’d like to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation, book an appointment. Dr. Jovanovic is happy to discuss your options in the context of your medical history and goals. Our online booking tool is simple and convenient, or you’re welcome to call us at 347-589-8018, and we’ll be happy to get you scheduled.
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